Wednesday, February 3, 2010

SlingStar Slings
  • Locate rings, then find “tail” (the end of your sling with no rings)
  • Fold tail accordion style, and thread through both rings.
  • Place fabric over top ring and then under bottom ring.
  • Pull approximately 24 inches of fabric through.
  • If you prefer to wear your baby on you left side (or if you plan to nurse on the right side)
  • Hold sling in front of you with the rings in your right hand. There should be a loop of fabric to your left and the fabric you pulled through should be on the right.
  • Place Left arm through the loop of the sling and then over your head to your right shoulder.
  • Your sling should be across your body. Find the rings and the “shoulder cap”, make sure the rings are just in front of your shoulder and the sling is capping your shoulder.
  • Spread fabric out across your back. This will evenly distribute the weight across your back, and not your neck.
  • Find the bottom piece of fabric or the bottom “rail” and pull it up to your bust line. This should make a pocket for you baby to sit/lay inside.
  • To adjust the tension of the sling, pul the tail straight out and to the left. Pulling down can move the shoulder cap and make baby wearing not as comfortable.
  • Now the fun part. Pick up your baby and hold over your left shoulder. (Kind of like you are going to burp her/him. Keep one hand on baby until safely in sling. If my baby is on my left should I use my left hand to hold her. Guide your baby into your sling “pocket” feet first. Gently guide your baby’s head into sling. Support your baby with your left hand under the sling. Use your right hand to adjust the “tail” of your sling.
  • If you follow the edges “rails” of the sling, you can adjust them separately. I like to adjust the bottom rail (the one that goes along the bust-line) first.
  • ALWAYS check the stitching by the rings. Give it a good tug before you put it on EVERY TIME. If your stitching ever needs to be repaired, don’t wear your baby. Call me and I will fix it for no charge.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Sunday, July 19, 2009

I just finished up a sling for a friend of a friend. I love the fabric combo and wish I had more of it. I think I have enough to make myself a pouch. Pax doesn't have a pouch yet.. so I think I might make one for her.

If you see any fabrics that you like leave a comment or email

Have a great week!